Furaha partners with School Pay to ease education financing

Financial technology platform Furaha has entered into partnership with Service Cops, the owners of School Pay to help revolutionalise education financing. Through this partnership, parents will be able to acquire loans to finance education and pay later.
Furaha partners with School Pay to ease education financing

Service Cops, Furaha Finserve Partner to Revolutionise School Fees Financing in Uganda

In a bold step towards financial inclusion and accessible education, Service Cops Limited and Furaha Finserve Uganda Limited have announced a strategic partnership to revolutionise school fees financing in Uganda.
SC Ventures, Yabx Invest $10M in Furaha to Accelerate Purpose-driven Financing in Africa

SC Ventures has invested $ 7 million, while Yabx BV has contributed through technology transfer, resulting in a combined investment of $10 million in Furaha
SC Ventures and Yabx Invests $10M in Furaha to Transform Education Financing in Africa

SC Ventures and Yabx Technologies have jointly invested $10 million in Furaha, a lending platform focused on education financing in sub-Saharan Africa. SC Ventures contributed $7 million, while Yabx provided technology transfer to support this purpose-driven initiative.
Unlocking Quality & Equitable Education with Purpose-Based Financing: FURAHA FINANCIAL UGANDA

Education, the cornerstone of progress, is getting a digital makeover that’s set to change everything in Uganda. Furaha is making quality primary and education accessible to all through innovative mobile-based financing with flexible payment plans.
Furaha: Empowering Dreams through Quality Education

Furaha believes that every individual deserves an opportunity to unlock their dreams through access to quality education.